Monday, March 30, 2009

Ok I know this is a long post but I must tell this story. About 3 weeks ago I attended my son Ryans’ parent teacher conference for the 2nd time. At these conferences the PTA has a book fair. At the book fair there is always a game where students have to guess how many items, (candy, crackers, etc) are in a jar. The student that guesses the closest wins the items in the jar. The first parent teacher conference there was crackers in the jar. Ryan asked me how many. I just through out a number, I don’t remember what the number was. Ryan then went off track. When he returned he found out that he had won the jar of crackers. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. Went to 2nd parent teacher conference. The prize was a bottle of Starbursts. Ryan asked me to pick a number. I through out a number and he wrote it down. Fast forward to today. Ryan came home with 243 Starburst today. What Dumb Luck.


  1. Wow Megan! You are really lucky. I never win those kind on games. We are excited to see you guys in a couple of months.

  2. I must confess! I am not that lucky. Mike wrote this post.

  3. Lets put this luck to some good use...can you please tell me what numbers to pick for my lottery ticket?!

  4. This was hilarious! Thanks for the good read... So glad I found your blog!
